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Contact US

Our Address

Nohokai Production Services Inc. 94-974 Pakela St Unit 108, Waipahu, HI 96797

Email Address


Phone Number

(808) 677-3335

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Directions: Our physical address is 94-990 Pakela Street. Once you arrive at the Waikele Business Park (which is where the GPS will take you), enter the property, take a right and follow the road down the hill. You will come up to Waikele Storage Solutions, PASS it and come around the hairpin turn. Continue past the bus yard on your right and you will see a guard shack directly in front of you. Please inform the guard that you will be visiting Nohokai and they will open the gate to let you enter. We are located just past the guard shack in bunker C-4 before the bunker with the white tent. There is an American Flag hanging off the front of the unit. Please do not hesitate to call for further directions if needed.